Friday, June 20, 2008

I only wish the McCain reached across the political isle as infrequently as Obama does

Obama keeps talking about change, hope, and a different kind of politics. The fact is he is a liberal and the most liberal liberal at that. Kind of strange that he talks about a new kind of government for everybody. If you peak at all at his record you would think that he is living in a state of denial if he thinks he is a centrist.

McCain on the other hand is a centrist in the very definition of the phrase. Depending on the issue he would just as well call himself a democrat. It ticks me off, but that's the record.

If you aren't a partisan (which most people say they aren't) and you are really a middle of the road kind of person (which every body thinks they are until they look at the issues). Then you should love McCain.

There is a great piece from the Washington Post highlighting the record.

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