Friday, April 4, 2008

This is what REAL government oppression looks like

I get so tired of the Ted Rall, left wing, aluminum hat wearing, paranoid, conspiracy theory, nut cases in the US that say that George Bush hijacked the 2000 election, imprisoned American citizens without due process, listened in on opponents phone calls and emails... the list goes on.

These people are ridiculous because they have no idea what government oppression really looks like. And how could they? They live in the United States, which if they stopped to notice, has done more to spread freedom and liberty than any other nation in history.

Seeing what is happening on the other side of the globe just makes me sad. Real freedom fighters, real patriots, real victims of government oppression are suffering as they yearn for the freedoms the Ted Rall neglects to notice that he is using.

EVERYONE should call foul when we see this.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Keep up the good work.

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