Friday, April 11, 2008

Soros: the biggest Democrat supporter of them all

It's no secret that conservatives (me included) aren't the biggest fans of John McCain. Not because he is a bad guy, and I will absolutely be voting for him come November, but he has been on the wrong side of several issues. Not necessarily wrong motives, just missing the boat on the execution.

Having been in Washington for a couple of decades and seeing the corruption that is there, McCain made a push to "get the money out of politics". Sounds great, but the premise was all wrong. His thought was that most politicians were good people but when they got to Washington, or got into politics they got tempted to the dark side by money from special interest groups and influential people. It isn't that they were bad people, it's that the money was bad.

Hmm... didn't like that premise from the beginning because it makes it sound like money (an inanimate object) is evil, not the men who crave it and give into temptation. Personal accountability should be demanded of everyone, especially our leaders in Washington.

Let me continue. He along with Senator Russ Feingold came up with the now infamous McCain/Feingold Campaign Finance Reform Bill to accomplish McCain's mission of getting money out of politics. Well, unfortunately it has been a total failure, because it puts restrictions on free speech for everyone accept the media and opened the spill way for money to pour into politics, unchecked and unlimited through the 527 groups.

Now 30 days before a primary and 60 days before a general election, non-party groups cannot run media campaigns that identify a candidate. That’s right, if you were part of a group that found out 59 days before a general election that a candidate for president had bribed a judge who let him off and sealed court records after he raped an underage girl who became pregnant and used campaign contributions to pay for her abortion (wow, quite the hypothetical), you could not run a national campaign to expose this information. Your only hope is to take this to a media outlet who might or might not release the information (remember by their OWN admition 70% of those in the media identify themselves as LIBERAL). Of course it doesn’t have to be THAT much dirt, it could be anything, it could be video of them yelling at a Starbucks barista. The point is that your right to reveal this information, a right expressly guaranteed in the Constitution, is gone.

Of course infringing on free speech was only part of the bill. The other part is new limits on campaign contributions. Now, any student of history and more importantly anyone who understands ANYTHING about people will realize that most people are basically good, however, they will also act in ways that promote their own self interests. So, if you limit them in some way, they will try and find another way around those limits. This is absolutely true when it comes to money and politics. The 527 organizations were ready to hit the ground running as soon as McCain-Feingold was signed into law. The beauty of these is that contributions to the organizations are not limited. That’s right, unlimited. So, if you were say, a BILLIONAIRE, you could give as much money as you wanted to influence an election. If your name was George Soros you would do just that. This man is the money behind half a dozen 527s, which I previously mentioned here. A great example of this is the $40 million dollar campaign that he will be running against McCain. That’s right, all of the money that McCain has been able to raise legally can be swamped by ONE person, in ONE advertising campaign.

Let’s not forget how Soros made his money either. Keep in mind that this article is from the NYT, where they actually like (and probably fear) Soros. Ask the Brits and the Thais what they think of Soros, considering a good chunk of his money was made crushing their economies for his own personal profit. As you can read in that article he wants to crush the dollar too. This is a man who thrives on power and influence. His life’s goal has been to be noticed and have influence over world affairs. This man is frightening. This man is financing the liberal agenda. Unfortunately for McCain, he handed Soros not just a bullet, but a box of ammo to fire back at him.

You can never get the money out of politics. If the John McCain legacy teaches us anything, it should be that. So instead of getting it out, we just need to shed light on it. Don’t try to stop it, just make it obvious to everyone where it is coming from.

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