Wednesday, January 21, 2009

What's the Difference?

The Daily Show had an interesting take on Obama's speech as well...


Anonymous said...

Funny clip... love the Daily Show.

On a more serious note, Obama can't win for losing with the right. When he talks like a Democrat, he gets hysterically slammed for being a "socialist" but when he laces his inauguration speech with patriotic and Christianist rhetoric straight from Bush's mouth, you slam him for that too! Unbelievable.

I guess as much is to be expected from a group of people who consider their holy leader a man who has said he hopes the President of the United States FAILS at his job. (Rush)It just proves that its not about whats best for America that drives them, its about what is best for their party.

But funny clip... love the Daily Show.

JonesGardenBlog said...

Well, when Obama talks like a Democrat he talks like a socialist because that is the party line of the Democrats. I'm not being judgemental here, that's just what it is. If you agree with that, then fine. I don't.

I didn't SLAM Obama's speech at all, I said it was a decent speech and that he was a gifted orator. If that's a slam then how would you classify the liberal critism of Pres Bush, blunt force trauma?

Speaking of judgemental... good grief there, hermano, now I'm a 'group of people'. Rush is not my 'holy leader'. Conservatives actually think for themselves.

Novel concept I know.

Why so angry, my brutha, I thought everything was going to be roses once Pres. Obama got inaugurated.

Have some decaf.

Enjoy the weather.

Anonymous said...

Not angry... just bored. Whenever I need to check myself and make sure my righteous indignation button works, I stop by the Keith Jones blog.

I love you bro... just trying to pick a fight that neither of us probably have time for. :)

JonesGardenBlog said...

Glad to see I can help.

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