Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Ugh... impending doom

Well, normally I can read through the news and see something interesting or enlightening that really gets my attention, or some political thing that I want to bring to the forefront because I think it's important for people to know about it, but today I'm just kind of blah. I slept walked last night for the first time in a long time. I woke up right after I finished shaving my face. Fortunately for me I have a lot of experience in that area and didn't hurt myself (thankfully my sleepwalking self was too lazy to get the straight razor out and instead opted for the Mach 3). I haven't done that in a long time. It is something that I only do when I am really stressed out, which pretty much describes my current situation with work. The hammer should fall today or tomorrow, although some have rumored that it is not going to be until a week from today. I asked the boss last week and his first reaction was that it would be this week, so I'm assuming that is the case.

My email traffic has dropped off dramatically, basically everyone is just sitting around waiting to see if they are one of the ones that is going to get tapped on the shoulder. In the past I have had prior information of my immunity from such things, but this time I have no such information. Not a good place to be in my opinion. I've been through the whole gamut of emotions in the last few days, questioning myself how I will feel and react if I do get the boot. I've seen several other people go through this same deal and watched how they reacted. I always formulated in my mind what I would do if I did get relieved of my duty, but thinking one thing and actually doing is something very different.

I feel like I'm kind of at peace with it either way. I know God is going to take care of us one way or another.

But I hate the waiting. I hate the not knowing.

This is the painful part.


Anonymous said...

Hang in there Keith. I feel for you today as waiting for the axe to fall can't be a lot of fun, but I have a feeling that, as a country, we are all in for a ride these next few years.

JonesGardenBlog said...

Thanks, Travis.

Unfortunately you may be right.

Anonymous said...

We've been there with Motorola the same way with Doug's job. Hang in there. God is in control and all things will happen for a reason! You are in our prayers.

JonesGardenBlog said...

I definitely appreciate the prayers.

Bill Curley said...

The tactic that is being employed seems to be a modern day "normal" mode of operation. I was hired by Motorola in 1980 with a supposed understanding the hiring would be relatively long term. After 6 Months on the job I learned that my position was being cancelled due to a lost contract (actually it was only restructured) and that I needed to find another position within Motorola. Luckily, I found one. From then on, over the next 21 years, there were constant talks of downsizing and restructuring. Finally, the group that I was in was sold to General Dynamics, who promptly began talks of downsizing the group. This may not make you feel better, but, hopefully, it will place it in a different perspective.

JonesGardenBlog said...

In the last eleven years I've been through several rounds of this.

It's never fun and not good business if you ask me, but it is the business I'm in.

There has to be a better way to make a living.

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