Friday, January 23, 2009

Mexico City Policy

It appears that Obama is getting ready to discreetly rescind the Mexico City Policy. After it wasn't included in the executive orders from yesterday, I was hopeful that he would not do what he said he would do during the campaign. Both Pres. Clinton and Pres. Bush had taken advantage of the Roe v. Wade anniversary to change course on the international funding of groups that provide or educate about abortion.

Now it appears that Pres. Obama will begin using our tax dollars to fund abortions in other countries. The Hyde Amendment prevents tax dollars going to abortions in the US. Of course, candidate Obama pledged to sign the Freedom of Choice Act, which would dissolve the Hyde Amendment, the partial birth abortion ban, and virtually every other restriction on abortion in the US.

Let's hope that neither of these actually happens. You cannot decrease the number of abortions by making them easier to get and funding them with taxpayer dollars.

****UPDATE: Even as I was writing this, Pres. Obama signed the order rescinding the Mexico City Policy. YOUR tax dollars will now fund abortions around the world. Does this strike a cord with evangelicals that voted for Obama? Just curious...


Anonymous said...

I had a long, intelligent, source-citing response typed up about the truth behind the Mexico City Policy, but I deleted it... I just don't have time for a blog-battle today. :)

I will say I am willing to give Obama more than 4 days to prove to me he wants to limit abortions. Talk to me again in 4 years, Keith.

JonesGardenBlog said...

That's unfortunate, because I would really have loved to hear about how funding abortions makes them more rare.

Pres. Obama has already started to fulfill what he said he would do concerning abortions. I do not see how any of his promises will decrease the number of abortions.

We will see, but will you acknowledge it when the evidence is right in front of you?

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