Tuesday, January 6, 2009

I've said it before and I'll say it again...

Liberals want the government to TAKE money from everyone, run it through a HUGE government machine and then give it to the needy.

Conservatives just open up their wallets and give it straight to them


Here is a great column from a HUGE LIBERAL that makes my point beautifully. Probably the most honest piece I've ever read from N.K.


Anonymous said...

what is your opinion on this article, see link below:


I am curious to hear your take. It seems there are two types of conservatives, both sides claim to be "true" conservatives... one side loves Bush and the other wouldnt vote for him again if life depended on it. Just my observation.

JonesGardenBlog said...

Sorry too much for just a comment. I will put up a new post soon to address this.

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