Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Hind sight is 20/200?

Terry Moran was interviewing Obama, and to his credit, asked a real question and gave Obama the opportunity to "adjust" his position on the surge and the progress that he can now clearly SEE in Iraq. But Obama STILL doesn't get it.

The funny thing about this video is the anchors. As you watch it, the "obviously in the tank for Obama" guy says that Americans don't care about the surge, then gets put in his place by the lady. His demeanor totally changes after that. I don't think that he actually even looks up or makes eye contact with anybody after that. Homeboy got schooled.


Anonymous said...

You really should just change your blog title to: "The Official I Obviously Disdain Barack Obama and There is Nothing Anyone Can Do or Say to Change My Giant Size 7 Head Blog".

Anonymous said...

sorry, size 8

JonesGardenBlog said...

Not true at all. It's not the man I disdain, it is his lack of sound principles and good ideas. I firmly believe that what he proposes will take us down the road to socialism.

And far down the road at that.

Not to mention going back to the "treat terrorism like a law enforcement issue" which fails to catch/stop/or deter terrorism. Hench the first WTC bombing, Kobar Towers, US Embassies in Africa, the USS Cole and finally 911. Read Willful Blindness.

Then look at the Bush strategy and you have zero attacks on US soil in seven years. Al Queda is decimated. You have an immerging democratic government that is favorable to the US in the middle east.

I am confident that Obama would turn ALL of that around. Based on what he has said.

He is naive at best.

Jimmy Carter without the wisdom, but that is pretty harsh on Carter.

It isn't the man I disdain, it is everything he stands for.

The White Family said...

Keith- you are so right in your plain view of things. What a lot of Americans today don't understand is what principals our country was truly founded upon. So they have no sense of how far from the mark we have come, and yes Obama would continue to lead us astray.

Our Founding Father's understood that the only entity that can take away the people's freedom is their own government, either by being too weak to protect them from external threats or by becoming too powerful and taking over every aspect of life. If that's not the Democratic Party platform, I don't know what is.

I love the Blog!

Anonymous said...

Someday I will have the time to rebuttal your post with neat, logical bullet points and scripture references showing the seemingly "socialist" sayings of Jesus (frightening, I know), but for now we will just have to pretend that I did and it was brilliant. :)

JonesGardenBlog said...

That was good, Nick. I got a full on belly laugh out of that.

I don't remember any teaching that Jesus made on what government policy should be.

I know a lot of scriptures to reference what Christians should do and what they should be.

There is a BIG difference between the two.

When you blur the line between MY job and the GOVERNMENT'S job, then I am shirking responsibility and I am about to face a HARSH reality about government decision making.

The White Family said...

I would love to recommend a wonderful short 5 session Christian series called "Silencing of God" for just $10.


It analyzes the dismantling of America's Christian heritage. It looks at how the Founding Fathers felt about issues like the separation of Church and State same-sex marriage. It also delivers a plea to the nation to reclaim our Christian heritage and reaffirm Biblical values.

Trust me, it's not a person's personal beliefs but rather a look at the founding documents themselves and at the scripture placed within them. It will speak truth to you! God Bless

Anonymous said...

white family- Thanks but I grew up with that stuff and I am very familiar with it already. I will recommend a book for you called "Myth of a Christian Nation" however... a must read for all American Christians, IMO.

And Keith, my point is that the teachings of my savior (Christ) very much affect how I view government, my role in it, and where my TRUE allegiance lies. My concern for the principles Christ set before me is FAR greater than my concern for the American empire. Jesus says to treat strangers and the "least of these" as we would treat him and to love our enemies... I would not turn to Jesus and say "Welcome to America, no handouts and I don't care what your situation is. Pull yourself up by the bootstraps and don't be lazy and you'll do just fine. But first, I need to see your ID showing that you are 'legal', thanks."

This, of course, is just one tiny example. At the very least, I can not justify my faith and my study of Christ's words and simultaneously cling to any political or nationalist agenda that is obviously contrary to it.

Glad I could make you laugh... thats all I was going for. :)

JonesGardenBlog said...

The teachings of Jesus are very much personal. Government is not.

The only role that government should play is to NOT get in the way of you performing your religious practices. Government welfare should not be a substitute for Christian love and outreach. We shouldn’t be pawning off old family members onto welfare and social security. We shouldn’t be sending members who are struggling off to unemployment lines. Why do we look to government as a means to shirk our personal responsibilities?

I am concerned about your language of an “American Empire”. The fact is that America is one of, if not the greatest vehicle of charity, justice, mercy, kindness, and good will that the world has ever seen. A BIG HUGE part of that is the Christians of America taking advantage of the benefits that our country provides in order to bless other people. If you have an Obama ‘regime’ that implements punitive taxation in order to follow it’s own version of social justice in redistributing wealth, the people that are really going to suffer are those who are hurting around the world, who normally benefit from the charity and generosity of those being taxed. History has shown us time and time again that the model he describes only serves to bring everyone DOWN instead of lifting those who are down UP. The only beneficiaries are those who are involved in the extended government bureaucracy.

I don’t know anyone in this country that thinks we should shut our doors to immigrants. On the contrary the process should be faster, cheaper, and easier. I have confidence however that my savior (hey it’s Jesus too) would follow the laws of the land that he lives and travels in… just as he commanded us to. You don’t become a contributing member of a society by first breaking the laws of that society in order to further your own interests.

I would LOUDLY state that my conservative views are COMPLETELY in-line with my faith and belief in Jesus and his teachings. The part where I apparently disagree with you is the part where I expect government to fulfill my obligations as a Christian.

Sorry, I appreciate the humor. I’m just not that good at writing it. :)

Anonymous said...

I am not a liberal. My family are all as far right as they possibly come and I was too until about 5 years ago. I am a registered independent and do not at all look to the government to fulfill my needs (religious or other). I guess what I am trying to say is that my faith is ONLY in Christ. Not in the USA (which by all definitions is an empire, whether we like the word or not), not in ANY political party, not in any candidate. None of those things can fill any TRUE needs.

If China invades and forces me to work in a noodle factory... big deal, God is still in control.

If illegals take my job... big deal, God is still in control.

If Barack Obama gets elected and then adds Osama Bin Laden to his cabinet like many apparently suggest will happen... so what? God is in control.

If I have ANY voice as an American citizen, I might as well use it to state the case and platform of Christ. There is some truth to the statement that dissent is the highest form of patriotism.

I agree that the government's role is to not exist and not be personal... which is exactly why I removed my passion from politics and placed it elsewhere. The bigger picture says that Republican v Democrat discussions are silly at best.

This discussion about the purpose of govt makes me feel like I am back in college... I majored in Justice Studies and Poly Sci.

Anonymous said...

oh, and I got dibbs on hosting the next debate on my blog... 11 comments! Nicely done!

JonesGardenBlog said...

12 now, but I really don't count my own.

But still... 12... nice.


kristen said...

Oh Keith! Too funny!! I don't know Nick but he said everything I have been thinking for some time! Go Nick!!

Still love you brother!!!


What is Nick's blog address?

JonesGardenBlog said...

Nick is "Rethynk" under my pages I keep up with and the youth minister at SSCC.

The problem is you guys seem to be a little short on history, both recent and long term.

I'll have to post more on it later, but the fact is that if you want increased giving to charities and the needy, the BEST thing to do is cut government, lower taxes, give the people more of their own money to work with and the result it BIG TIME more money to those who need it. The American people are the most generous in the ENTIRE WORLD.

Of course that is only one piece where Obama is a total MORON. Thrown in the fact that he will do WHATEVER Planned Parenthood asks (I will post proof of this later) and I don't see how Christians can vote for him on morality alone.

Keith's voting rule #1 - Is the candidate a moral person? Barack is NOT.

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