Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Obama and steps toward global socialism

IBD has a great article on the Millennium Development Goal and Obama's push toward global socialism through the taxpayer's pocket.

It's a great piece, but these are my favorite snippets:

-We are citizens of the world, Sen. Obama told thousands of nonvoting
Germans during his recent tour of the Middle East and Europe. And if the Global
Poverty Act (S. 2433) he has sponsored becomes law, which is almost certain if
he wins in November, we're also going to be taxpayers of the world.

-Obama would give them all a fish without teaching them how to fish.
Pledging to cut global poverty in half on the backs of U.S. taxpayers is a
ridiculous and impossible goal.

-Never mentioned is the fact that America's population, just 5% of the
world's total, also produces a stunning 27% of the world's GDP — to the enormous
benefit of other countries.

-During a time of economic uncertainty, the plan would cost every American
taxpayer around $2,500.


Anonymous said...

All I have to pay to help end global poverty is $2,500? Great! I will pay twice. Anything for "the least of these."

JonesGardenBlog said...

Unfortunately it doesn't work that way with government and UN institutions(ever heard of oil for food). By the time it reached the "least of these" they would get maybe .30 of a devalued dollar, and still be hungry.

There are dozens of charities right now that are 10X more efficient and effective that would love to take your check right now. But being an intelligent man I'm sure you already knew that.

The battle against hunger is one that is better fought through private donations. At the very least without the UN, that way it is only funneled through the US bureacracy.

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