Monday, July 7, 2008

What a wirl!

Wow, that was an awesome weekend! Crazy, but awesome.

About a month or so ago I tried out for the Kidstuf program at SSCC. I was trying out for one of the characters, but the kids’ pastor called me up and asked me if I would be willing to do the Word. Well, it turns out the character part that I had tried out for was only in 1 show last year since they only do Kidstuf once a month right now, but the Word happens every month. I was really excited about that! I talked it over with B, who was really excited for me and so I got my first script last week. Very cool.

Well, Scott (the kids’ pastor, who does not yet blog) also asked me if I would be willing to participate in the weekly kids’ large group teaching team. I agreed to go and watch it just to see what it is like. Thursday rolled around and the person in charge of the large group called and asked if I would be willing to go ahead and be the storyteller for the large group on Sunday. Uh… I guess that would definitely give me an idea of what it is like, so I spent a good part of Friday and Saturday reading through the script. We normally go to the 10:30 service, but since I was going to be storytelling and B wanted to watch to see if she wanted to be one of the praise leaders for kids’ large group, we decided to attend the 9 am service.

I must say it was awesome. We finished the first part of the Simply Jesus series in a series. The first one was “Encounters”, this one is “Stories”. Awesome, unapologetic, straight from the word stuff. I loved it. Check it out if you get a chance (this week’s isn’t up yet, but look under the Simply Jesus category and pick any of them, they are all awesome).

Anyway, then we went to the kids’ large group and I got to be a French chef and a story teller… four times. I went through the 10:30 and 11:59 services. It was a ball. Number one I love acting like a goof ball and number two I got to teach kids about Godly virtues. It was great. The whole team in there is just awesome!

Now, on the fourth we got invited over to the leaders of the small group that we have been hanging out with. They had the most awesome set up, we went swimming and then played games. The kids had a BALL playing with the other kids, especially in the ultimate basement of kid entertainment (okay, I thought it was pretty cool too). We didn’t watch any fireworks, but we played some really fun games and met some great new friends. B and I had a ball! BTW Settlers of Catan has to be the best board game ever!

THEN Heather and Chris came over on Saturday afternoon for some taco pile up and some Phase 10 (or seven). I have to say, I REALLY hate it when I get in a rut in that game! Ugh!!

Still a lot of fun though.

Throw in three and a half hours of yard work (started at 5 in the morning on Saturday), some laundry, some house cleaning, and some prep work for the serious week of house painting that I have to do this week… and it was a pretty exhausting, but fun, weekend.

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