Thursday, July 24, 2008

The EGO on this guy is something else

The whole trip has been quite the fiasco. If you have missed a single moment of it, don't worry there are about 40 different news outlets that you can go to and see every single second of Obama's trip (I think most cut to commercial when he needs to use the restroom).

From his speeches to the actions of his campaign, the size of this guy's EGO just floors me! Is this all a spin to play down the fact that the guy has no experience? If they make him larger than life does it down play the fact that his ideas are the same old liberal garbage that has been the bedrock of the Dem party for the last thirty plus years.

I think this picture said it all for me. Obama's campaign putting up campaign banners all over the grounds at the Western wall in Jerusalem. Considered one of the most sacred sites in Judaism. Aren't some places just considered inappropriate to be campaigning? Whose vote is he trying to get?

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