Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Obama's Op-ed in the NYT

I must say that I was irritated at the tremendous amounts of denial and out right lies in the Op-ed from Obama in the NYT this weekend.

The guys over at the PowerLineBlog broke it down and it is a must read.

The fact is that Obama and the Dems in general were banking on the fact that the surge would fail. They were hoping for our military to be defeated. I mean, for a moment just let the reality of that sink in. The guy that wants to be the Commander in Chief of our armed forces was betting on them to lose.

Unfortunately for him, but for the benefit of the rest of the world, General David Petraues is a military genius and our troops are as tough as they are professional.

The surge worked.

The war in Iraq is being won. Obama's revisionist history doesn't change the fact that he was wrong.

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