Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Still some interesting things happening

Obviously the presidency has been decided. Like our current government I plan on watching the next group and tracking them to see what they are up to. Always a good idea.

But some interesting elections are still on going. Four senate races are still close. Reps lead in all four. The closest one is in MN between Norm Coleman and Al Franken. Are you serious? I guess the same people that elected Jessie "the Body" Ventura as governor would only be living up to their reputation if they put 'Stu Smalley' in office. I'm still pulling for Norm.

Probably the most interesting race is in Alaska. Stevens, having recently been found guilty of uh, graciously accepting all kinds of... gifts that people just left at his house, is WINNING! And most likely will win. So what happens then? Well, that would mean another election in Alaska.

Can you see it coming?


Good money says that the election would be between the Dem candidate that Stevens just beat and our former VP candidate Gov. Palin. She has already indicated a strong desire to stay in national politics and in Washington. Taking Stevens disgraced seat and doing some 'mavericky reforming' would be a good start.

The people that say politics is boring aren't paying attention.

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