Sunday, November 2, 2008

But it's not just coal!!

The McCain team is hammering Obama right now for a quote from a January article. Here is the quote that they are using:

"If somebody wants to build a coal power plant they can, it's just that it will
bankrupt them because they are going to be charged a huge sum for all that
greenhouse gas that's being emitted,"
It's not really shocking if you follow the cap and trade program that Obama would support and that the Dems are almost certainly planning within the first few months of his presidency. I've written about it before here.

The sad thing is, that McCain supports the cap and trade program as well, although I think he wouild be slower to implement it given the economy.

When the bill hits the floor, it will be up to average citizens to call and fight it tooth and nail, regardless of who is president. It will throw our economy into a depression. It will make EVERY SINGLE THING you purchase more expensive by massive amounts.

All for warm feelings about a green planet and Al Gore's hype about global warming. It will cost jobs, it will cost our economic security, and it will cost lives in impoverished nations around the world.

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