Friday, November 7, 2008

Mormons take the heat for sticking by their beliefs

Here in AZ we passed prop 102, an amendment to the state constitution defining marriage to be the union of one man and one woman. In CA it was Prop 8. These are similar to amendments passed in 30 states now. The purpose of all of this is to fight back against ‘alternative lifestyle’ education in our schools and to preserve the definition of marriage.

In any case, the fight in CA was particularly nasty. The LDS church led the way in getting Prop 8 passed.

Watch this commercial put out by a NO on Prop 8 organization.

The Huffington Post has to be one of the worst and most popular left wing blogs. Here is what they had to say about the LDS church and their support of Prop 8.

Yet somehow an economic boycott doesn't feel direct enough; those who team up against gay people must learn that there are consequences.

That's why we are seeking to strip the Mormon church of its status as a religious organization.

I hope that people with healthy levels of sanity prevail. I would hope that the court would support the first amendment. You don't cease to have the right to speak just because you are religious.

I guess we’ll find out soon enough.


The White Family said...

I by no means am pro LDS but I do love that at least someone had the gumption to stand up and voice their opinions. But I hate to break it to Californians, it was most likely not just the mormons who voted for this Prop but more likely all Christians and people over the age of 50.

Buffy said...

"You don't cease to have the right to speak just because you are religious."

Speak all you want. Tell us we're a bunch of sinful, dirty queers who deserve to burn in hell for all eternity. Tell us you think we're sick, perverts who make you want to puke in technicolor. You have every right to do that.

But eradicating our rights because they offend your religious beliefs goes too far. Would you like it if others decided to start banning things of which they disapproved, such as your religion (which is an alternative lifestyle choice, by the way) or decided to regulate who you could and couldn't marry?

You want the freedom to practice your religion without anybody telling you what to do with your life. You want the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness that we're all afforded in the Constitution. Why do you think it's OK for you to to deny it to others when you wouldn't want others to deny it to you?

The White Family said...

I can't speak for Keith, but I want to share with Buffy that I am not different than you with the fact that my sins too make me filthy and deserve me to burn in hell, but I am forever grateful that Jesus Christ came and paid the price for our sins so that if we choose to walk with Him we can have eternal life. Hell was NEVER intended for man, but it is by our own sinful choices that we are separated from God there. No sin or lifestyle apart from God is "better" than the next. You see we are in fact the same, sinners who need salvation! Man does not have the right to deem what is good and evil, right or wrong; that job lies solely with Lord Jehovah. So personally I want to share that God loves every man and woman (his precious creation) on this earth, He just does not love the sinful selfish choices we make. I will pray for a deeper knowledge of Him and His ways for your life and mine as well. God Bless!

Anonymous said...

I have to say, that was a lame commercial. I have been following the Prop 8 contest closely and seems the election brought out the WORST in the creative department on both sides. I saw one video (its been taken down since) that had two little kids singing "my mom is a woman, my dad is a man yes on prop 8!" to the tune of Jesus Loves Me... it was recorded on a 1990's camcorder and was AWFUL.

Just playing devils advocate here... if conservatives are supposed to be for less government interference, than why are they so behind a law that would cause the government to directly interfere in the lives of its citizens?

Side note: I also found it very interesting during this election to see evangelicals as bed-buddies with their #1 enemy in AZ... Mormons, united behind a similar issue. Looked a lot like unequal yoking to me!

BTW, my site is down so I may be mooching of yours for a while! :)

JonesGardenBlog said...

Well, some very interesting reading. Thank you all.

@buffy, decaf, really. Nobody called you a bunch of 'sinful queers were are going to burn in hell'. As @the white family eloquently said, we are all sinners in need of God's grace. The issue of same sex marriage is completely about education. Family studies and sex education have been pushed into the schools where children are being taught at a younger and younger age, with and without parental consent. The last thing I want is for my child to get a conflicting report on fundamental moral issues from me and then from their teacher. These are issues that should be handled in the home, but for some reason have been pushed into the schools. It's inappropriate. Marriage is not a 'right'. It is a religous institution that the state recognized in order to make some legal questions and issues easier to handle. Unfortunately with an inappropriate push into the educational system, it has a far reaching impact. By the courts attempting to red-efine marriage, they have stepped DIRECTLY into religion.

Religion is not an 'alternate lifestyle choice' it is the belief system that shapes your world veiw. From reading your blog you seem to be an athiest who either believes God is a homosexual or who diefies the gay lifestyle. I've never heard the term Gaythiest before, but I can only assume this is the definition.

Marriage is not a constitutional right, nor does the state have the right to redefine something established by religion. I am sorry that you have been so hurt through this whole issue. That was never anyone's intent. Your heart is obviously very hard to any other arguements or statements. I doubt you will ever read this, but in any case, I pray that God will soften your heart and open your mind.

God be merciful.

JonesGardenBlog said...

@nick, first of all you can read my response to @buffy to see why conservatives are all about supporting this amendment. It's about education. It's about the state trying to change an institution created and defined by religion and in fact by God himself. As you well know.

And BTW, I have never defined the LDS church as enemy #1 in AZ or in any other state. Our struggle is not against people and entities, Nick, but against the spiritual forces at work in the world. Our LDS friends have a strong moral compass and have stood by their beliefs even as evangelicals and cathalics have abdicated theirs. IF we really believe in reaching mormons as we do any sinner, I think it is appropriate to acknowledge that it is not the sinners who are our enemies, but rather all sin that is the enemy of mankind and we have the answer, the solution, the cure, and that is the cleansing blood of Jesus Christ.

Okay, now I need to get back to my crazy Tuesday.

Thanks for reading everybody.

Anonymous said...

@Keith - I agree with your answer, my rhetorical question was more about Christians as a sub-culture and demographic, not as followers of Christ. You MUST admit that the average evangelical Christian in AZ DOES view Mormons with a cautious eye, even enemies. That is what I was talking about.

Ok, I will stop bothering you and your friends on your blog now.

JonesGardenBlog said...

Always nice to have you around to bother me, Nick.

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