Wednesday, November 5, 2008

I'm exhausted

Wow, what a couple of days.

Brandi started her new therapy in Scottsdale on Monday. We are very optimistic that this will be a great thing for her. She's really a trooper. It has been 11 months now since she had the worst back episode of her life that landed her in the hospital for a few days. Please be praying that this therapy will be effective and have great long term benefits. Thanks so much to all of the friends and family that God has put into our lives to help get us through this. We really couldn't do it with out you guys. Four days of therapy, every week, for six weeks.

Some really tough news coming out of work in the last couple of days as we frantically try to fill a req for a much needed technician before they completely slam the door on any hiring. Mandatory vacations. How can you mandate 160 hours of vacation in 5 months, when most of your employees only acrue 120 hours of vacation in a YEAR?

I talked to our financial guy yesterday. He said invest in guns, ammunition, seed and fertilizer. Something about the return of the hunter/gatherer society... Guess he isn't too optimistic about the government solutions to the financial mess so far.

The boys finished up their baseball season with a LATE GAME (oh joy). It started at 7:30 and ran until almost 9. It has been a great season. The kids have really learned a lot about the game. The coach has been absolutely awesome! Definitely a best case scenario there.

We seem to finally have crawled out of our three weeks of sickness. It started with a nasty cold that went through the ranks, followed by a touchy stomach bug. Jacob was declared well yesterday and allowed to leave the house for the final baseball game of the season.

Something else happened yesterday too, but I can't think of what it was... hmmm... it'll come to me....


kristen said...

Vacation...what is that I am unfamiliar with the word

JonesGardenBlog said...

Well, "forced vacation" never works out the same as a real vacation.

I'm trying to mitigate this whole thing so that I actually have time come October.

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