Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Where are the libs taking us?

Obama touts the mantra as he goes along the campaign trail. More government programs, more regulation, more taxes... it's all the same, it's called big government socialism. That's where the government has more say in your life and how you live it than you do. It starts out innocent enough, things like banning smoking in restaurants and seat belt laws. But gradually it gets more and more out of control.

If you think I'm kidding, you need to go to one of the on-line newspapers from Europe. A quick browsing of the site will give you an idea where the libs in this country want to take us.

This outrageous story is a prime example.

Enjoy and remember, the next time you hear a liberal saying that they are sticking up for the little guy.... or it's all for the children... just think of this one and remember; it's not about what's best for you, it's about bigger government, more taxes, and less freedom.

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