Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Obama wants to be the president of these 58 states of America

I'm a little late on this one, sorry. I was waiting to get the actual YOUTube video and I finally found it. You gotta love YOUTube.

57 down and only 1 more to go! Well, except for Alaska and Hawaii, which his babysitters wouldn't let him go to... So does that make 60 then? Hmmm...


kristen said...

Oh my!!! Was he joking? Exaggerating? Like when I say, "Man, I worked for a hundred hours." I didn't really work for a hundred hours it just felt like it. Maybe it just felt like he visited 57 states.

I have to assume that is what happened.


JonesGardenBlog said...

Maybe that's what they teach about the US in Indonesian schools... or Columbia, or Harvard...

Maybe he is counting Mexican states :)

His staff will whine about the campaign trail being rough and tiring. Guess what, it doesn't slow down when you get elected. 8 years of presidency ages you 20.

Bill Curley said...

This latest gaffe will not be viewed by a majority of the populace as very important. Not because it is significant but because the majority of Americans are so ignorant of history and geography and it doesn't seem that important to most. I, at one time thought it would be nice to have a United States of North America which included Canada; unfortunately the Canadiens have not been able to ween themselves from the Queen and the French language. Oh well, maybe next year.

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