Thursday, May 15, 2008

A History Lesson from the President

You know, people bag on Bush and say that he is an idiot. Now, I disagree with the president on a good many things, but I really and truly believe that he is an intelligent man. Not a great speaker or communicator, but an intelligent man.

This is a great clip from his speech at the Nessett in Israel, where he gives us a lesson in history on appeasement and the damage that naive politicians have done throughout history under the guise of diplomacy.

Don't forget that Obama wants to hold talks, direct talks, without pre-conditions with Ahmadinejad of Iran, who also commemorated Israel's 60th anniversary.

And don't forget the presidential candidate that is endorsed and admired by Hamas.

John McCain is missing the boat on a few things. Thank God he is the only presidential candidate who gets it right on national defense. This is the most important job that the president has, and the one for which Obama is the LEAST qualified.

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