Wednesday, October 24, 2007

What this is

Good grief, I have a million things in my mind that I need to get out in some way. Sometimes I just sit on things so long that my head just hurts, a million little voices/songs/self talk pulling me in a hundred different directions at once. This is merely a place where I can write these things down before I go insane. I guess when your head is as big as mine there are a lot of places for a lot of ideas to run around.

Whether it is thinking about my favorite coffee maker, the best ink pens to write with, story topics in my head, sermons or lessons God has put on my heart... quite frankly the stuff just needs to get out and get written down somewhere. It might be ten times a day and it might be just a few times a week. I don't really think that it's healthy for it to be less than that.

Right now my mind is kind of scattered, I need to bring some clarity and a LOT of focus. It seems like most of the time I end up wasting time on things that I never intend to waste time on and ignore the things that I am really passionate about.

There, something like that...


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