Friday, October 26, 2007

Morning ADD

I'm probably the only one in the world affected by this condition, but I am serious when I say that I have it BAD. Morning ADD. For some reason, unless I have to be somewhere at a specific time, I have the hardest time focusing. It's been pretty good lately, since I know that at 5:30am my dad is going to be sitting on the couch, ready to go. But when he drives himself, I have the hardest time.

Here is how it usually goes.

Get up and turn on the water to get it warm so I can shave. Go to the bathroom. Realize while I'm in the bathroom that I'm really hungry. Get out of the bathroom, turn off the water and go to the kitchen to make some eggs, pass the fridge and think about getting a drink. Grab a glass out of the cupboard and wonder if it's really clean or not. Turn on the lights and take a good look at it. Put the cup in the door for some water, but realize that some milk would be better, oh milk, that makes me think of cereal, I'll get a bowl of that instead. Put the cup back, grab a bowl, oh look there is the coffee maker, I don't use that, but it makes me think of coffee, that would REALLY hit the spot right now. Grab the measuring cup and fill it with water... you know I already went to the bathroom once, but... I'm feeling like my coffee has already kicked in and I haven't even had any. Head to the bathroom, but which one, the guest or the master, well the wife and baby are sleeping in the master, so I better use the guest, but that might wake up Kyle... go to the master... maybe I should eat some cereal first. Go back to the kitchen, look at the clock, holy cow, I've wasted 20 minutes! I better get shaving...

I think you get the point.

Focusing seems to be a problem lately.


Anonymous said...

Son!! Sounds like you've got "oldtimers" and you are only in your 30's-what on earth are you going to do when you get to be my age?! BTW, I do almost the same thing almost every morning!

Anonymous said...

It is probably from lack of sleep!

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