Friday, October 26, 2007


Ug. No bueno. I recently lost thirty pounds, which was a good start toward the 70 that I needed to lose. Well, when I got on the scale this morning I was back UP 13 pounds, which means I have 53 pounds to lose. No bueno. I would really LOVE to be under 200 by Christmas. This would put me 50 pounds down for the year. That would be a good goal.

Yesterday I did REALLY bad. Lunch was a pulled pork sandwhich (Tennessee style), with a 32 ounch Sobe citrus energy drink, a big bag of Fiery Habenero Doritos and (can you see it coming) a medium blizzard. Ouch. Nothing like a 4 digit lunch to kill your weight loss.

I'm back on track today though. I did good for breakfast and I have a slimfast shake in the fridge for lunch.

Must lose weight...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I know for me, when I think that I am doing pretty good because I've lost a little, I tend to make up for it and gain some extra besides!

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