Thursday, May 21, 2009

Waxman - Markey Cap and Trade

Here is a pdf of the Waxman-Markey Cap and Trade bill if you would like to read it.

Only 932 pages and a real page turner at that.

Remember what I've said about bills that are this big... they are intentionally written this big so that you will never read them, so that you will not know all that they are trying to do, and so they can create loop holes for all of their big donors and constituents.

This is a mess.

The mere fact that the following amendments were proposed, let alone voted down, should scare you. (From the Heritage Foundation)

The first was an amendment that would void the legislation within a year without a deal with India and China. A second would have voided the bill if gas prices surpassed to $5-a-gallon. The third would void legislation if unemployment reached
15 percent
. And a fourth provision would have repealed “the entire law if the average retail price of electricity sold to residential sector goes up by more than 10 percent in one or more census divisions.”

All of this for a "possible" reduction in global temperatures (mind you these are the same people that predict the weather) of less than .05 degrees C in the next 40 YEARS.

There is NO SCIENCE to back this up.

This is an economy CRUSHING bill.

This will cost YOU thousands of dollars... if it doesn't cost you your job because of the impact that it will have on your business or company.

Anybody want to make a phone call? Can I suggest the capitol switchboard so you can contact your Reps and your Senators?

(202) 224-3121

****UPDATE: Talk about a bill that is so big it is MEANT to confuse people. This is Waxman, of Waxman-Markey aka the AUTHOR of the bill being asked about the contents of the bill. Nice.

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