Thursday, May 14, 2009

Falling In and Out of Love... Aw

There haven’t been many, but I have read a few articles now by the typical main stream media, that do a pretty decent job of reporting what is said by the administration and then actually checking to see if those things are true.

Shocking, but very encouraging.

Recently Vice President Biden reported on the economic effects of the stimulus and the report was all fluff. More impressively, the AP picked up on the fact that it was fluff and wrote a decent piece picking apart the misleading statements. It’s a good read. They even finished up the piece in a decent fashion.

Spending money will put people to work. But spending has a cost. At some point,
Washington will have to pay for this program, either by raising taxes or interest rates, and those policies typically hurt job growth. The Obama administration's job data do not take into consideration this back-end cost, an omission some economists, particularly conservative economists, say is a flaw in the analysis.

This is encouraging.

At the same time it appears that the White House press corps seems to have lost some of their… let’s say respect for Press Secretary Gibbs, who seems a little frustrated by this new found contempt.

While these marks of true journalism and reporting are starting to shine through, by and large the President still gets a pass on most tough questions, as evidenced by the ‘enchanted’ primetime questions he fielded a couple of weeks ago. His administration, however, is starting to feel some heat. As they should.

I wonder how long it will take the flames to spread and pass the warmth on to the Oval Office.

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