Friday, May 29, 2009

Voter Intimidation Charges Dropped Against Members of Racist Group

Charges were dropped today against members of the KKK who stood outside polling booths in Philadelphia intimidating voters with racially charged comments and brandishing a baseball bat. The three men dressed in white robes and stood outside a polling booth during the November presidential election in a position where everyone coming to the polling place had to pass. Other election observers were intimidated by the brandished weapon and had racial slurs hurled at them.

Despite the testimony of numerous witnesses (including a YOUTube video) and the statements by many of this being the worst case of “voter intimidation” they had ever witnessed, the Feds dropped all charges against the three members after winning an injunction against the man brandishing the bat.

Does that rub you the wrong way?

Does that make you say, “WHAT!?”

It happened just like that this week. Accept the men were not members of the KKK, but of the New Black Panthers. They were not dressed in white robes but in black from head to toe. It wasn’t a baseball bat, but a night stick. The racial slurs included one testimony of whites being told “you are about to be ruled by the black man, cracker.”

It was appalling when it happened.

It’s appalling that it is being dismissed.

If you believe racism is wrong, as I do, then it is wrong no matter what race it is directed against. If you believe voter intimidation should not be tolerated, as I would affirm, then you can’t pick and choose who it is okay to intimidate.

The law is there for a reason. It should be enforced.

1 comment:

Bill Curley said...

This may be viewed as being insensitive and racially motivated(my comment here) but, why would you or anyone be terribly surprised by this action? Consider the nature and makeup of the new Administration and the obvious philosophy of its leader.

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