Tuesday, May 26, 2009

The crazy world we live in

Hold on to your seats, things are bumpy, crazy, and just plain dizzying. Here is a quick list that will make your head teeter on the brink of exploding.

- The first of the two big stories is North Korea. Kim Jong Il is about as loopy as they come. The man appears to be going through some substantial physical struggles and this whole show that he has been putting on for the last couple of days is probably aimed toward his own people and having the backing of senior military leaders to be able to name one of his sons as his successor. Still it is further testament to the fact that the man is crazy. Obviously just the kind of person that we need to sit down and hold talks with.

- You’re the president, it’s Memorial Day, you laid your wreath and followed tradition, one of the biggest psychopaths in the world just tested a nuclear weapon… and you’re… off to play golf? Seriously, if President Bush had done this in the same situation you wouldn’t have been able to find ANYTHING else on the news.

- The second big story is that the President will be announcing his pick for the replacement of Justice Soutor. In fact as I typed this Drudge just updated to say that he has picked Sonia Sotomayor, which is not a surprise and has been on the short list. Unfortunately she has been chosen for three reasons, only one relating to her real qualifications. Number one, she is a she. The President made it very obvious from very early on that he would be picking a woman. She will also be the first Latina appointed to the Supreme Court. Quite frankly I don’t really care about either of these “qualifications”. I don’t agree with picking people because they meet a certain demographic, it demeans the office and leaves you guessing about the person’s actual qualifications. Pick a Philippino-Hungarian hermaphrodite for all I care, as long as they are really the best person for the job. The third and final reason that she was picked is that she is a holds a liberal activist line and meets Obama’s requirement for being empathetic. The AP is already heralding her as bipartisan (shocking) because she was given an appointment by President George H. W. Bush, but just remember, so was Justice Souter who turned from somewhat conservative to extreme liberal on the bench.

- The President is adding to his long list of new ‘czar’ positions by creating the post of cyber czar. Unnecessary and even frightening in some respects. The cyber czar responsibilities are fairly broad and focus on the vague term of ‘security’. Nice to know that this unelected official could possibly exercise authority over public and private networks… all in the name of ‘security’. Seriously how many people does the President need to report to him and how many things do we need government putting their foot into. How much is this going to cost the taxpayers? You know this isn’t just some hacker sitting in a room of supercomputers but an entire STAFF of people. Great, just what we needed.

- Gas prices. Ugh. No one seems to care about the dollar falling compared to other world currencies… until of course they start to understand what that means. It means higher gas prices and inflation on the billions of things that we import. This is the tip of the ice berg. Interest rates on treasury certificates are going up because of the HUGE debt load. Rising inflation, rising interest rates, and rising unemployment. Welcome back Mr. Carter! Oh you may not be feeling it yet, or just starting to notice, but it’s here and it’s growing…

- The US is on the brink of losing our AAA credit rating. That means… refer back to my previous point.

- And finally, a California court will decide today whether or not the Constitutional Amendment that was passed by the voters is really legal. Huh? I thought that was the whole point of passing a Constitutional Amendment. Doesn’t the Constitution DEFINE the law?

Coffee time.


Bill Curley said...

BUT, don't forget the new Supreme Court pick did solve one of our most vexing problems; a baseball strike. Wow, what credentials!

JonesGardenBlog said...

Great, maybe he should make her the new Sports Czar instead of Supreme Court Justice.

mom said...

So what "We the People..." really means is a liberal California judge decides what "We the people" really means and if we can actually decide for ourselves? Figures!

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