Tuesday, April 28, 2009

It's all about...

Hubris is a dangerous thing, as a multitude of Greek and Roman myths will explain in endless detail. It blinds the subject to their own weaknesses, which can then be exploited.

I’m going to do something a little different today and just throw out a few things. You look at them for what you will.

- As a gift to the Queen of England who has sat on the thrown of one of the oldest surviving monarchies (of sorts) for decades, our President gave an IPod preloaded with pictures from her trip to America and some of the President’s more memorable speeches.

- As a gift to Prime Minister Gordon Brown’s sons, the first lady gave toy models of Marine One, the President’s helicopter.

- Yesterday Air Force One flew low over New York City with a military escort in order to get new updated photos of the President’s plane, sending people scurrying from buildings and running through the streets, reliving the panic and fear of 9/11.

- The President and First Lady donated magazines, featuring them and signed by them, as items for the charity fundraiser at their daughters’ school.

- The Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid recently released a revised copy of his book that included a story about the President. After a speech that Senator Obama made he was complimented by Senator Reid and in reply Senator Obama said, “I have a gift, Harry.”



Bill Curley said...

You forgot to mention the DVD's to Mr Brown, THAT WOULDN'T WORK IN ENGLAND! or the reset button to the Russians.

mom said...

This man is so full of himself and he is an embarassment to the US as our president.

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