Thursday, April 23, 2009

Beautiful SMACK DOWNS!!

Two ‘smack downs’ happened this week that I thought were notable. The first one was on Larry King. Dennis Prager was asked onto the show to debate Perez Hilton (or whatever his name is) concerning gay marriage and the Miss USA fiasco caused by PH. For those who don’t know who Dennis Prager is, he has a nationally syndicated radio talk show. He’s a conservative Jew who discusses politics, culture, happiness, and life’s ‘ultimate issues’. Despite the fact that he draws a conservative audience, his show is actually on the air at the same time as Rush Limbaugh’s, and has been very successful for decades. If you aren’t a talk radio fan you might check out Dennis’ show. He’s very entertaining and very easy to listen to. He does not get audibly upset at almost anything but presents some very effective and interesting arguments. He is also not strictly political and discusses a variety of topics. I highly recommend it.

Contrast that intellect with Perez Hilton a celebrity gossip blogger who is openly gay and acts more like a spoiled child who will get his way through bullying and name calling. The contrast is spectacular and only solidifies Dennis Prager’s argument.

The second involves The Secretary of State.

I realize that every administration is going to have disagreements and a difference of opinion in administration handled things. That’s a given. I have been very disappointed however, with the lack of respect that the current administration has shown the Bush administration.

Case in point. Secretary of State Clinton was testifying before a congressional committee and was asked a very legitimate question regarding the CIA memos that were just released which covered interrogation techniques. The politicization of these memos has been quite ridiculous and has caused a huge firestorm for both the previous and current administrations. This week, former Vice President Dick Cheney went on Sean Hannity’s T.V. show for an interview and requested that the CIA prepare other documentation for declassification which covered the ‘enhanced interrogations’. This paperwork would include the number of people that these methods were used on and the information that was gathered from these interrogations. His point was that in order to not make this political we need to look at all of the information so that the public can see the truth of what happened. Secretary Clinton responded to the question by disparaging the former V.P. A ridiculous and undignified response at best.

The beautiful thing is the reaction of the CA Republican Congressman, who without missing a beat very articulately reprimands Sec. Clinton and emphasizes the point of the question. If you are going to give someone a smack down in a congressional hearing, this is the best way to do it. (to see the question and the smack down fast forward to about 4:30 or just wait for it)

1 comment:

mom said...

Perez Hilton is totally wacko and should never be consulted on anything that requires intellegent thought. I loved when the other man said that 97% of the population is straight. Do the gays honestly not know that that is true? I also got real sick of Hilary Clinton telling congress that this is what the President wants-Hello! For her to say that Dick Cheney is not a reliable source-well-I loved the "smack down" on that one. Unfortunately, we have a presidnet that has no experience and really does not know what he is doing, except to promote his own agenda-whether it is according to the consitution or not. And he cheapens the office by his actions-he is not a president, he is a campaigner and he has carried that into the presidency.

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