Thursday, February 19, 2009

Please Pray Today for Caridee Sage Gill

There are tons of political things that I could talk about today, but I'll put that aside for now.

There is something much more important and close to my heart today.

At 9:00 this morning my sweet little niece Caridee Sage Gill will go in for surgery to fix a problem with her aorta. There are two sections of her aorta that are too narrow and they are restricting the free flow of blood. This causes her heart to have to work too hard and is also inhibiting her growth and development. This is a side effect of the Turner's Syndrome. She is about 6 months old now, which is what the doctors were waiting for. She is just as precious as can be.

Also, just because it will make you smile, go to this post on our family blog and watch little Caridee laugh, it's absolutely priceless.

But above all, please pray earnestly for my sweet little niece.



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