Friday, February 6, 2009

Congressional Budget Office says the 'stimulus' will hurt long term

The CBO just issued a report that says the stimulus will actually DECREASE GDP in the long term! Read it yourself.

Ouch. That has to hurt.

There are also reports coming out now that President Obama plans to announce on Monday a plan to use the rest of the TARP funds to bail out struggling mortgages by refinancing them down to the current market value. Of course, that's only for troubled homeowners. If you have been paying your mortgage on time every month and are upside down in your house... and oh yes, there are lots of us, then you get SQUAT! This bailout is only for those who are about to default on their loan.

Hmm... I wonder what that will do to the number of people that are suddenly "struggling".

Very interesting.

This would be called reinforcing bad behavior and every parent knows that is a bad idea.

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