Thursday, January 24, 2008


I just finished reading Tim Steven’s new book, Pop Goes the Church. Being from a very traditional background I have to say that I struggled through the first part of the book. At some points I got pretty squeamish but I read on, and man am I glad I did!

I am new to the whole concept of a church being “innovative”, I have to admit, so at first I really balked at some of the points that Tim was making. At one point I went to bed thinking, “Man! Why am I even READING this!?” But as I read on I found all of my concerns addressed from a Biblical and logical (almost embarrassingly glaring) perspective. Tim uses great examples from scripture of Jesus and Paul casting out with cultural hooks in order to bring in a catch of lost people (okay, that was my cheesy example, but you get the point). I’ve been brought up and heard time and time again that some churches are just entertaining people. Granted if that is all a church is doing, then they missed the boat and Tim spells that out very bluntly.

I was skeptical, but by the end of the book, I have to say I was on board. Great stuff. Thoroughly enjoyed it.

Praise God for people like Tim who are willing to challenge us. Think like a missionary. Take the culture that people are living in, expressing their thoughts and feelings through, and use it to point them to Jesus.


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