Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Big News Last Night and Early This Morning

Guiliani and Edwards are out.

This has HUGE implications. It pretty much shores up the nomination for McCain, since at least 70% of Rudy's support will go toward McCain, particularly after his endorsement that will probably come this morning. I would also anticipate some type of position for Rudy. My thoughts here look more and more plausible. Romney needs to act fast or he's done for and it may already be too late.

The EVEN more interesting development was Edwards dropping out this morning. Big surprise since he had indicated he was in for the long haul. I definitely didn't anticipate this until after Super Tuesday. This definitely smells like a deal between him and the Obama camp, who will GREATLY benefit from Edwards pulling out. The rumor mill is talking Attorney General John Edwards... wow that was a frightening thought. Anyway, I would say a vast majority, if not ALL of Edwards support will go to Obama because it is part of the "anti-Hillary" vote. I won't say that this will have Obama winning the nomination. I would bet that Hill-Bill still has a dagger or two they haven't thrown yet, although it will be a surprise when it does come. They've already played the feminist card, the race card, the drug card, the slum lord card, the "present" voting record card... Geesh, what could be left?

This race is definitely going to be one for the history books.

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