Thursday, June 4, 2009

A New Kind of Diplomacy

The President is on another good will tour of the middle east, this is all a part of the position that the President holds that America needs to restore the good will of the world that we squandered since 9/11.

This means that we should deny that America is a Christian nation, but rather make false claims that we are a Muslim nation.

It means that we should applaud the efforts of the Palestinian government that is controlled by the terrorist group Hamas and at least in part and proxy by Iran, while deriding the Israeli government and exerting pressure on them to bow to our desires for how their country should be run. We should embrace our enemies, but hobble our allies.

We should open the doors to Cuba and breathe new life into their economy, essentially propping up the corrupt and crippling government, all the while ignoring the heinous and outrageous violations of human rights that they have been continuously guilty of for over fifty years.

We should embrace Venezuelan leader Hugo Chavez, even as he does more and more to shut down and silence political dissent, choking out democracy and freedom of speech.

We should open the door for China to be a key player and decision maker in the economic markets of the world, even as they deny the massacre and memory of over two thousand of their own people.

We should ignore the outrageous, dangerous, malicious, and brutal actions of our enemies, but criticize the reasonable moves of our allies. We should prefer favorable relations over promoting human rights.

I don’t understand this kind of diplomacy.

For being a gifted orator, the President seems to be lacking for an appropriate message.

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