Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Inspector Generals

IGs are the watch dogs of government. They don’t make rules, they just watch and report, or at least that is what they are suppose to do.

Sometimes they do it too well and are fired for having the nerve to be impartial and investigate even people who are friends of the president, oooh, the nerve of some people. (This one continues to brew. There will be more coming...)

Unfortunately sometimes it appears that the IGs don’t do their jobs at all.

Do you feel safe now?

Open and accountable government… right.


Bill Curley said...

It is sometimes painful to watch as an incompetent, and unprepared political apointee is cleverly ambushed by a congressman. Next time, she should be better prepared, such as, knowing her job title and what her responsibilities are, and then, how to artfully dodge those type of questions. (IE "I will get back to you after I review our notes and records" rather then trying to "wing" it).

JonesGardenBlog said...

Yeah, hind site, probably not the best thing to do, "winging it" before a congressional committee.

Personally, I would have done at least a little homework.

Of course it would make it easier if they were at least TRYING to do their job.

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