Thursday, September 23, 2010

Governor Christie

The model has been given.

All, others, please follow suit.

This is how you lead.

At first glance, Governor Chris Christie is the most unlikely political candidate. He’s over weight, has a hint of a New Jersey accent, doesn’t mince words, in fact some would even say that he has been rude at times, and finally he advocates and even governs… based on principles - and conservative ones at that!

Surely this man could never have been elected governor, especially not governor of a bluer-than-blue state with some of (if not the) highest property taxes in the country.

Watch and learn.

You’ve got to love this guy. He’s a leader. He takes his fight TO THE PEOPLE and wins. Nothing is off the table, he just has to figure out a way to explain it to the people in plain, simple, common sense language and he hits it out of the park every time.

Teachers unions – toe to toe. Bloated state employee benefits and retirement packages – bring it on. Out of control property taxes – locked and loaded.

The latest one to fall – Planned Parenthood. He cut the funding. The state legislature countered with a bill to keep the funding and the governor whipped out the VETO pen and sent it back to them. They threatened to override, but it lost… so sorry. Now at least some of the clinics in New Jersey are closing their doors.

That’s right. How many times have we had conservatives back away from fighting abortion, or fall far short of cutting funding for Planned Parenthood.

Governor Christie – you are the man. I hope he runs for President. I hope he runs in 2012. We need a problem solver. We need a leader. We need someone to take on the untouchable issues and apply conservative principles in plain, common sense language.

We need Governor Christie.

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