The model has been given.
All, others, please follow suit.
This is how you lead.
At first glance, Governor Chris Christie is the most unlikely political candidate. He’s over weight, has a hint of a New Jersey accent, doesn’t mince words, in fact some would even say that he has been rude at times, and finally he advocates and even governs… based on principles - and conservative ones at that!
Surely this man could never have been elected governor, especially not governor of a bluer-than-blue state with some of (if not the) highest property taxes in the country.
Watch and learn.
You’ve got to love this guy. He’s a leader. He takes his fight TO THE PEOPLE and wins. Nothing is off the table, he just has to figure out a way to explain it to the people in plain, simple, common sense language and he hits it out of the park every time.
Teachers unions – toe to toe. Bloated state employee benefits and retirement packages – bring it on. Out of control property taxes – locked and loaded.
The latest one to fall – Planned Parenthood. He cut the funding. The state legislature countered with a bill to keep the funding and the governor whipped out the VETO pen and sent it back to them. They threatened to override, but it lost… so sorry. Now at least some of the clinics in New Jersey are closing their doors.
That’s right. How many times have we had conservatives back away from fighting abortion, or fall far short of cutting funding for Planned Parenthood.
Governor Christie – you are the man. I hope he runs for President. I hope he runs in 2012. We need a problem solver. We need a leader. We need someone to take on the untouchable issues and apply conservative principles in plain, common sense language.
We need Governor Christie.
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Governor Christie
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2:30 PM
Labels: Christie
Monday, September 20, 2010
What is going on out there?
Feels like chaos doesn’t it?
Democrats are abandoning their captain, scrambling for the life boats and salvaging whatever they can out of the churning waters as the ship of the Democratic majority sinks like the Titanic smashing into the iceberg of fiscal irresponsibility.
The career Republicans are all jockeying for their own little position at the helm of the Flying Dutchman, surging from beneath the waters of their own political demise only one election ago; at the same time trying to fight the Tea Party that is quickly taking over the ship.
While this struggle for political advancement plays out, the average American is more concerned about their next paycheck than who gets to hold what title. They are more preoccupied with trying to pay their mortgage and provide for their families than they are with which suit wearing aristocrat gets to sit in the big fluffy chair.
The country is a mess. We’ve lost sight of the very liberty that was purchased at such a great cost.
On that note, the chaos is encouraging.
People are starting to pay attention.
It’s time to pull back the curtain completely. Expose the whole system for what it has become - a giant mess that cannot be fully comprehended by the average citizen. If people don’t understand it, they can’t change it. They’ll get bogged down in the minutia and they’ll give up.
The federal government has become the hydra that many of the founding fathers feared. Patrick Henry would be plastered on the evening news right now; standing on the steps of the capital building with a musket in one hand and a sword in the other screaming for a revolt.
I know, I sound like a paranoid, aluminum hat wearing, tea party, sign carrying, crazy person.
There is something wrong when we elect leaders touting flowery rhetoric about hope, change, and demonizing legitimate businesses and industries.
We need meaningful changes, not fancy slogans.
We need to ignore campaigns that make an emotional appeal in order to ignore the facts behind an issue.
We need to read the bills.
We need to hold people accountable.
We need to end the days of the career politicians.
We need to push for term limits in every office.
We need people who are there to fix problems, not guarantee their political futures.
Get engaged.
I’m going to spend some time going through the propositions that are going to be on my ballot this November. I’ll explain how I researched them and why I am going to vote for or against them. Whether you agree with what I am saying or not, I hope it inspires you to look at the ballot that you will vote on. Make an informed decision. Talk to your neighbors, friends, and coworkers about their choices and educate them if you need to.
Don’t follow the rhetoric, look at the facts. Decide where you would really like to see your country, your state, your county, your city, your school board – and make it happen.
Posted by
8:47 AM
Labels: get involved
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
I'm back!
About a year ago I stopped blogging. A year. Wow.
I really didn’t mean for it to be that long, it just ended up that way. I have been working on a book in my copious free time, and last night I finished the rough draft (and there was much rejoicing). I still have a lot of work to do, including probably two more drafts of the book, but it is a major milestone for me and I am excited about it.
Also in the last year I began gardening. The gardens that were for a long time just holes (and sometimes frog ponds) in my backyard have yielded all kinds of fresh fruits and veggies. I thought it would be fun, but I had no idea what a great experience it would be and how much I would really enjoy it.
Along with the gardening I began composting because I wanted to improve the composition of the soil in my gardens. Well the first round of compost is in the ground and it looks great!
The beds are prepared and the first seeds of the fall/winter garden are in – very exciting. This fall I will be growing a plethora of different things, including green beans, broccoli, celery, carrots, snap peas, spinach, loose leaf and head lettuce, romaine, cabbage, garlic, and onions.
Good times.
Despite a very busy year, I haven’t been ignoring what has been going on in the world or the country. There are lots of dangerous and concerning things both on the national and international stage. I’m considering how I would like the blog to look and what changes I will make from how I use to do it. We are two months away from a very important midterm election and the composition of our government is due for a shuffle. Republican hopefuls are also beginning to spend time in Iowa and New Hampshire (if they haven’t been already). We will see a handful emerge from the ever increasing pack in the next few months. The presidential election season has become a very long and tedious adventure and this one will certainly be no different.
So… I’m back!
Thanks for reading. Expect more soon.
Posted by
8:08 AM
Labels: composting, gardening